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Established before the planning meeting a few things

Source:admin       Added:2009/5/3 10:07:59

Before the planning meeting to determine a few things:

 1, to determine whether the meeting is necessary. Can prepare in other ways to make meetings more effectively solve the problem resolved?

 2, determine the purpose of the meeting. What you are trying to achieve the result? What kind of meetings prepared to make a decision? What made ​​the action plan prepared?

 3, to prepare the agenda. List related projects with the purpose of the meeting. Sorted by degree of importance to the project. To merge the project as a group. The deliberations of the time limit for each project.

 4, collecting all the items under discussion with the conference-related information. If too long, too, will be extracted out of its main points.

 5, pre-organize the meeting agenda and documents in good circulated among the participants.

 6, according to limit the participants to discuss the issue.

 7, the occasion of the formal meeting, check whether there is new information. If so, tell everyone to be brief.


 Second, during the session control

 1, the narrative purpose of the meeting.

 2, check and record the participants.

 3, according to the order of the agenda of each item proposed, and then discuss and seek the views of interested participants.

 4, to each individual the opportunity to express their opinions.

 5, control the discussion. If there has nothing to do with the topic or in-depth into the unnecessary details, should be promptly directed to the topic itself.

 6, if the discussion became more complex, the emergence of various different opinions, you will be according to their understanding of various points of view to be summarized.

 7, adhere to the scheduled time, do not delay.

 8, in the end of the discussion of each item to be summarized in order to reach a decision or conclusion.

 9, in the end of the session, the results have been achieved in general. If further discussion is necessary, could be postponed to the next meeting.

 10, to determine the subject and time of the next meeting.


 Third, after the work


 1, is not participating in the meeting and circulated among the meeting. Minutes should be accurate. Formed decision-making meeting take action to highlight the responsibility of the name, time and standards. That the next meeting date and time.

 2, according to the meeting on the implementation of monitoring and inspection.

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